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Windows 10 Free Upgrade Deadline July 29

canstockphoto33821085It has been almost a year since the official release  of Windows 10. When it was released, it was offered as a free upgrade on machines that are running Windows 7 or 8. That offer is still valid and expires on July 29 2016. We have just over a month to take advantage of this compelling offer.

Here are the reasons why we think you should upgrade before the end of July:

  1. The free upgrade offer will not likely be extended. When Windows 8 first came out, it was offered at a substantial discount (around $15 if I remember correctly). That was a limited time offer and, even though many of us thought it would be permanent, it expired as Microsoft promised.
  2. Windows 7 will not be supported forever. In fact, Mainstream Support expired in January of 2015 and Extended Support expires in January of 2020.  While that seems like a long time from now, remember that Windows 7 was officially released in October 2009, almost seven years ago. It won’t be long and we’ll be scrambling to get the last PCs off of Windows 7, just as what has been happening to Windows XP over the last few years.
  3. In my opinion, Windows 10 is better. While there have been many documented problems with Windows 10, overall it is a more reliable and secure OS than any of Microsoft’s predecessors. Whether or not you skipped Windows 8, Windows 10 is a keeper.

If you haven’t yet upgrade, now is the time. Please contact us if you’re having any issues upgrading or you need some technical assistance.

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